Motivation is the main determinant of an individual's behaviour. The term 'Motivation' is derived from the word 'Motive'. Motive is a combination of thought, feeling or condition that causes one to act. Motive can be for a short period or can can for a longer one. If a child takes a colourful ball, he plays with the ball but if, in the meantime, he is attracted towards the other colourful balls, toys, then we say that his motive for the first ball was for a short period. But, if a player wants to win the gold medal at international level and he works hard for years to get the gold medal, we say that his motive is for a long period.
Human behaviour is controlled, directed and modified through certain motives. When a person feels hungry and searches for food, we say that he has been motivated by his drive, i.e., biological drive. When he gets food and is satisfied, we say that his drive for food is fulfilled.
Motivation is one of the main psychological factors which affects the performance. Motivation means to be inspired to do something. The definition of motivation is to give reason, enthusiasm, or interest that cause a specific action or certain behaviour. Motivation is present in every function of life. Simple acts such as eating, drinking are motivated by hunger and thirst respectively.
The definition given may further clarify the motivation:
"Motivation is the general level of arousal to action in an individual."
From the above definition it can be alluded that motivation is the inner condition of the individual that initiates or directs its behaviour towards a goal.
In fact, Motivation is that force which incites individuals to perform some activities. It also determines the individuals direction of action and his intensity of action. When an individual is motivated, he experiences a tension and disequilibrium and become restless and thus, his actions are initiated. The individual feels an urge to urge to behave in certain direction. It is averred that motivation is the heart of the learning process but it is not the sole determinant of what we perform. Motivation is not enough to bring the weakest student to appear for competition. He must also have requisite ability, knowledge, skill and intelligence to appear in the competition. If one acquires these traits, through proper motivation, he will be able to show marvellous achievements.
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic Motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance or desire. Motivation is always intrinsic when the force comes from within oneself. For example, when a person indulges in any work to have a mastery, to display superiority or to gain social approval, is an intrinsic motivation. He participates in works for his own sake.
Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is external. It occurs when external factors compel the person to do something. Motivation is always extrinsic when external forces, positive or negative procedure a behavioural change. Reward, punishment, praise, blame or cash prize are examples of extrinsic motivation. It has been found that such devices motivate some persons more strongly than others. In fact, extrinsic motivation includes such factors that motivate the individual in achieving the goals.
Methods of Motivation
Goal Setting: Goal setting is one of the most important methods of motivation. If you do not set a goal, you cannot achieve apex position in your life. So, we should be encouraged to set few ambitious but achievable long-term goals. They should set goals according to their capabilities and capacities. To keep them on the track with their long term goals, we should also set the appropriate medium-term goals as well as short-term goals. Goals should be monitored on a regular basis. There should be some flexibility in our approach instead of rigidity.
Elaborate Arrangements of Competition: Elaborate arrangements of competition play a very significant role in motivation. One performs better in competition if there are elaborate arrangements of competition. Though inexperienced one may not be able to up a better show. Without elaborate arrangements of competitions, good one's also cannot perform well in such competitions.
Presence of Opposite Sex: Opposite sex play a vital role in motivation. Usually, girls are motivated by the presence of boys, whereas boys are motivated by the presence of girls. This is an innate tendency of human beings. Even girls as well as boys try to be smart, active in the presence of opposite sex. This tendency can be observed in co-educational schools and colleges.
Verbal Comments: Various factors of motivation are applied at various stages. Verbal comments ( or cheer-up) should be applied during competition. It also varies according to the past experience of the player.
Knowledge of Results or Progress: Experimental studies indicate that a person, who has the knowledge of his progress, will learn more rapidly than an equally motivated learner of comparable ability, who is working in the dark. It can be said that a man who does not know where he is standing cannot reach his destination. Knowledge of progress or result is must because progress is also a reward in itself. Good progress will definitely motivate the individual where as bad progress will also make him regret and strong emotions will motivate him to do better.
Praise or Blame: Praise or blame are effetive factors of motivation if given at a proper time and in an appropriate amount. Sometimes, if blame is given at improper time, it can be dangerous. The individual may withdraw himself from that activity. Praise is also better but too much praise can destroy the future of one individual. It should be given according to the requirement.
Positive Self-talk: Positive self-talk is a method that can be used to enhance motivation. With proper repetition, self-talk can change one's belief system. Mohammad Ali, the world famous boxer of USA used to apply this method. He used to repeat, "I'm the greatest". He repeated his claim that his opponents believed it.
Reward and Punishment: Research studies have shown that the strength and the nature of rewards and punishment applied by a teacher influence the rate of learning an activity. Reward yourself after achievement of the objective if you are doing a task privately.